
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Playing with our food

I've decided we've had enough with boring lunches. And it's time we start playing with our food.
After some digging around online, I found this fabulous idea for PB&J sushi here: Let's see how it goes!

I was surprised that the girls used chopsticks the entire time! Chopsticks are great for kids but, shhhh, we won't tell them they are helping to develop fine motor skills. They just thought it was fun - and they did great.

As far as D, he ate his entire sandwich. Usually it's dissected and only the insides get eaten. This was amazing.

I've been seeing these little hot dogs with noodles in them all over lately. I couldn't wait to let the kids have some fun making lunch today!

What a weird looking lunch!
Oh, but that wasn't the only weird thing about the hour.
Look at these kids eat!

 If there's one thing you need to know about noodley hot dogs, it's that there's no right or wrong way to make it or eat it!
Today I-Bell was singing a song (making it up as she went along) and in that song was something about green ranch dressing. So, before our chicken nuggets were served for lunch today, S dyed her ranch green!

My camera had a little sand on the lens from our sand play this morning.
 My sister brought some dinosaur chicken nuggets over. They were a hit with the kids:) And everyone wanted to try the green ranch!

For snack, we painted our toast with milk and food coloring. I was worried the girls wouldn't like it, but I was WAY off! They each had about three slices of painted toast each:)

Bread, Milk and Food Coloring, Paint Brush
 D painted two, ate one:)
 Sophia liked hers toasted without anything on it. Her third piece, however, had PB & Honey. Mmm
 PB&Honey roll. (Rolled sandwiches learned from PB&J sushi, above).
 A Rainbow!
FUN and Delicious!

We made marshmallow snowmen with hot cocoa, and these delicious apple sandwiches for our snacks. I love it when something turns out to be a huge hit, especially when it's easy — and healthy! Plus, one apple made enough for three sandwiches.

What's for snack today? Banana rolls with peanut butter and honey.
We've been having problems with spilling our drinks at the table. And, one thing I hated as a child, was having to be told to put my drink at "12 o'clock." I never wanted to put my drink there (sorry mom).
 Together we traced our cups and utensils to indicate where everything goes during meal time: 
Here she is using her place mat, and making lunch fun! 
Found the bread cutters at the Dollar Tree. The girls chose a butterfly and a star shapes. I-Bell always wants the crust pulled off, never wants to do it herself, (I find the kids to be capable and able to do most things themselves - not because I don't want to do them, but because I encourage independence wherever and whenever possible).
And just throw the crust to the dog!

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