
Monday, February 4, 2013

Sorting Colored Bears - 22 months

Sorting Colored Bears
My 22 month old is in love with these bears. Since he was showing an interest in sorting with pom poms today, I thought we'd try it again with these guys and some colored containers. He nailed it!
 I started by demonstrating how to sort by color and explained the activity to him. Then, I dumped the colored bears out right by their matching colored container and sat back to see if it sunk in. 
Above, he's putting yellow into the yellow container:)
Now he's working on blue.. 
Here he's saying, "I want 'gain." And he's dumping them out to sort again. 
Instead of telling him where to put them, I would cheer him on as he did it. "You did a great job. The yellow bears are in the yellow container." Etc. etc.  
There were two seperate times where he put a different colored bear into his container. I didn't have to say anything. He would see it, take it out, and put it with the matching color. Very impressed! 
Here he is doing it again. He did this over, and over and over and over. 
Who would have thought he'd have so much fun with it!? 
 ~A very proud mommy here.