
Saturday, April 6, 2013

Aliens, Planets and a Space Ship!

 Aliens, Planets and a Space Ship
The girls got the play dough out today, so I grabbed some google eyes, pipe cleaners and Mr. Potato Head pieces and we created aliens! I wasn't going to talk about aliens during Space Week, but since they chose to talk about them all week, I thought we were safe to do this activity.

I Bell: "Aliens have A LOT of eyes!" 
Sa Sa's alien. He changes quite a bit ... keep going for more. 
Here he is with a ball in hand.
 I-Bell's alien - LOL! Awesome. She says he is from the Milky Way, and he flies to other planets.
Sa Sa's alien has baskets on his ears. 
D's alien that he named "Choo Choo." 
Sa Sa's new alien. 
Choo Choo.... 
 Choo Choo gets a new do! 

The Space Ship
Today we got outside with markers and decorated our space ship! 

They are so sweet:) 
Just getting back from the moon.  
I-Bell is exploring with her space binoculars! 
Sa Sa wrote "Sun" all over the side of the space ship! 

Then we went inside for a snack. Sa Sa grabbed a spoon while I poured her a bowl of cereal. When I brought her bowl with a spoon, she said, "I already have a spoon. Oh well, I'll just do this." And here's what she did. 
Two spoons. 
She put the two spoons together to eat with, and ate the entire bowl this way. For fun, I asked, "On what planet do they eat with two spoons?" Her reply: "On Earth." Of course.
Speaking of planets ... we borrowed another idea from PAHM today and painted planets on tap lights.
Putting the lights together was a fun activity for D to help with. He is obsessed with batteries right now. Some of his trains take batteries and he's fascinated with taking them apart, taking the batteries out and putting them back in.
Painting her first planet.
D painting the sun.
S painting Mars.
I-Bell was in deep concentration.
Then we started to get a little crative and draw faces on the planets.
Our solar system:)
What a fun week we had!

1 comment:

  1. that looked like a fun week! Loved the binoculars:)
