
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Continent Boxes

In an earlier post My Kids (2-4 yrs) and Geography I promised to share our Montessori inspired continent boxes with you. 
The continent boxes are part of the Montessori Geography Curriculum. They're filled with information and various items representing specific regions of the world.
A look at our shelves.
On the top are a few books, a mini globe and our Flags of The World puzzle (the flags are kept in the little box on the top shelf). We left only two flags in the puzzle to mark the countries we most recently "visited."
Our Continent Boxes, Little Passports suitcase and Around the World Toob landmarks with cards for matching.
I was worried how Antarctica would show with white on white, but it's perfect.
I traced the continents from our World Map and then cut them out on foam paper with a sticky back to adhere them to the boxes. 
Europe contains pictures I found of currency, art and landmarks online. I laminate and color code anything I print with cardstock.
I'm also starting to collect dolls from around the world to add to each box.
Contains Toob animals and pictures. 
The paper on the bottom has Egypt Activities from Little Passports. 
Pictures from Google - color coded and laminated. Pictures of animals in Asia, famous places and some origami that my son created. I added more paper and the origami instructions so he can make more. (My daughter was playing with our chopsticks that are usually included in here at the time of this picture.)
My son and I explore a new country each month. And while we have many items at home to add to our boxes, I'm waiting until we get to those specific countries before adding them.
What do you think?

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