
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Self Portraits

Today we did self portraits for the first time.
They were pretty excited.
First they picked out the colors they would need. 
And then they got to work.  
I-Bell started with her hair. 
S added her pink streak to match her hair! 
After D took the idea of 'self portrait' to be color your face with purple marker, he then wanted to make a choo choo. He followed my direction. For example, first draw a circle. Now, you need a rectangle, here. Next, draw wheels, here, here, here and here. I never had to help hold his marker or move it. All of this he did on his own. It's pretty neat to watch.
I did write his name in highlighter and then he traced it. 
The next part is my favorite. 
S wanted to draw another picture. She drew herself with a full bucket over the top of her head. 
Earlier that morning we read the book How Full is Your Bucket? for kids. The rest of the day, the girls were recognizing when some one's "bucket" was being emptied, or wasn't very full. Then, they would think of ways to fill that person's bucket back up. Throughout the day, I'd hear them arguing while playing. Then, one of them would speak up and say, "Hey ... you just emptied his/her bucket." Then, I'd hear a voice change and get softer. It was usually followed with an apology, a hug, an "I love you," etc. 

Wonderful book, and a wonderful day, with wonderful children.

We have plans for the kid's self portraits.
More to come.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like they had fun! I think I'd like to borrow that book.
