
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Toothbrush Painting

We have a large, long piece of Plexi Glass left over from when my husband built our light table. We've used it here and there for activities, but this last week, we have found some really cool uses for it. Here's one:
I drew smiles on cardstock paper and slid them under the Plexi Glass. On top of the glass, I used yellow window crayons to color the teeth. 
We put new batteries into our old electronic toothbrushes, and set out some toothpaste that no one seems to enjoy using along with some containers with water. 
A close-up. 
The kids checked out their smiles in the mirror. We talked about how healthy our smiles are and why.  
We talked about the foods we eat and what they can do to our teeth, if we don't take good care of them. 
We also talked about how long we should brush our teeth, and how many of our teeth we need to brush, etc. LOL
Then they put their own toothpaste on ...

And they brushed ... 
and brushed ... 
and brushed! 
Then we rinsed them clean!
Next activity was toothbrush painting:

We colored our teeth yellow with highlighter.
We applied our toothpaste (white paint). 
We brushed (painted) the teeth white. They noticed it was very difficult to "brush" the teeth back to a healthy white smile once they became yellow and yucky.
So much fun!!
You don't have to use "teeth" just because you're painting with a toothbrush. Here are some other ideas:
Paint on a window
Paint on the bathroom mirror
Paint in the bathtub
Let your child explore painting with a toothbrush on paper/cardboard.

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