
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Playing with Pom Poms: Kids in Action!

Kids in Action!
These activities cover so many areas: Large Motor, Fine Motor, Color Sorting/Recognition.
Since my 22 month old is so into these pom poms and color sorting these days, it's no wonder he was all over these activities! Best of all, it was extremely fun and challenging for his 4-year-old cousin too:)
We started with a race (using spoons instead of hands) to sort the pom poms from one side to their matching colored container on the other.  
Doing a good job with the spoon .... 
I spy a cheater! But, that's OK:) 
 Having so much fun - even if he put the yellow in the blue container, it's fun to sort when he's all done with the race! 
All done sorting - he did it all on his own, with verbal assistance from Mama.  
Then, we did a ball drop ...
I love capturing the excitement:)  
Once that got old, we tried using spoons to toss the pom poms into their containers. Aww, missed! 
Then ... we discovered clothes pins. This activity lasted forever! 
D is figuring these out for the first time - and didn't do too bad! 
She loved it and can't wait to use these again this afternoon!!!! 
Got one! 
Look at that little lefty. He definitely prefered his left hand, using the right hand was very awkward for him. 
I-Bell used both hands simultaneously. 
D was doing a great job at sorting, once again! Eventually, this ended in a fit, rolling on the floor and giving me nasty looks due to fingers getting tired and no longer being able to pinch.    
Time to make this more of a challenge. "Can you pick up one pink ball and one yellow one and drop them at the same time?" Of course. 
"OK ... how about one blue one and one pink one?" 
Nailed it, with the crossover. 
Next, we tried scooting the balls accross the floor and flipping them into their containers. She could squat, crawl, bend-over and walk, but she couldn't use her hands - rules are rules.
D was so over the pom pom activities at this point.  
But I-Bell had so much fun, and was sad when we had to quit to meet sister! I think we'll be doing more later. 

1 comment:

  1. I loved all the ideas with the pompoms. I can't believe D could use the clothes pins. What fun for the kids!
