
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Bird Week

Bird Week
It's finally beginning to feel like spring, so Bird Week is just in time!
 A while ago, I had this great idea for a bird house (with no back) to put on our window. Thankfully, I have a wonderful uncle who was able to make one for me. Here it is:
Once this was made, I began thinking of many other activities for the kids. Especially bird watching and learning. For the last few weeks, I-Bell and I have been keeping our eyes peeled for Robins. I have a feeling she's going to love this.
I borrowed these books from my parents:
The Dollar Tree has birds and these natural materials. I couldn't wait to get this out with D and I-Bell.
First, I let them hold and play with the little birds:)
 I pointed to all the parts of D's bird as I-Bell named them. We also talked about where birds make their nests.
We talked about how some birds nest in bird houses and others nest in trees/bushes.
I-Bell wanted to make a nest right away.
As she made it, we talked about what birds use to make their nests, and how they are important for keeping eggs warm.
I-Bell's nest:)

Here is the nest that D and I made:
Then D said, "Baby bird sad."
Me: Why is baby bird sad?
D: Mommy.
Me: Your baby bird wants its mommy?
D: Yeah. Hungry.
So we let D feed his baby bird...
While D was busy doing that, I asked I-Bell if she'd like to help give our birds outside some materials to use for their nests. She was excited!
I introduced measuring last week, so this was a great opportunity to revisit. I had I-Bell measure 4 inches in length. 
And cut! 
Mixing her yarn with natural materials.
Hung up outside.
Our bird house on the window.
And then two really happy kiddos running around, pretending they are flying birds yelling, "Tweet, tweet, tweet!"
Peeking into the bird house. We checked that bird house all day long.
Time for a new activity!
Bird seed, peanut butter and toilet paper rolls.
Spreading the PB, and adding bird seed.
I-Bell spreading PB ...
And adding bird seed ....
Adding bird seed to the peanut butter???
Oh man.
Time to hang them!

We've had some visitors!
This one we looked up - a House Finch! 
Later, she wanted the bird book back out. I showed her a cardinal because it looked like her red bird that she was playing with. She also wanted to see the robins.
The rest of the day, I-Bell was spotting birds. She saw a seagull and she saw three pelicans flying in the sky while we were on our way to pick up her sister from school. We came back home and looked them up right away!
I-Bell seemed really interested in how the Seagulls and Pelicans eat fish. Earlier in the day we talked about how the birds we usually see outside of our houses eat worms or bugs.
In the afternoon, after snack, we got out our bird beaks and picked up some worms!!
This birdy doesn't like worms, she likes fruit! 
My baby bird:) 
More to come!!

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